Archive | June, 2013

Chapter 7: Afternoon Delight & Gen 2 Heir Poll!

22 Jun

Aaannd… we’re back! Last time Alaina turned into a banana, Javed lost me two points, Rietta grew up absent-minded and Bill saw his mother naked!  I’m going to start off this update with something old and something new-


The old- naked jokes about Alaina.

The new- a karaoke machine!

Alaina and Bill: “Gonna find my baby, gonna hold her tight 

 Gonna grab some afternoon delight

Sky rockets in flight, Afternoon delight…”

Apart from the inappropriate song and wardrobe coices, Bill loves the karaoke machine.


Bill: ” Rubbin’ sticks and stones together makes the sparks ignite and the thought of rubbin’ you is getting so excting.”

I think it’s time to find a new song to sing.


Bill: “Heh heh heh. My evil plan of seducing the readers will never fail!”

Stop that Bill. It’s creepy. This is the first time I have caught Bill cackling evilly, and he’s almost a teen.  It’s like he has to try to be evil.

In other news-


Javed had a birthday! I don’t think his nose has ever stopped growing.


And Alaina grows up in her birthday suit! I think this may be the only time her birthday suit has been an appropriate outfit choice.

Javed: “Toot toooot! (Into Alaina’s boobs)”

Rietta: “Can you guys move? You’re blocking the tv.”


This is Alaina’s new everyday outfit for her birthday.  Because of her insane trait, she prefers to wear it to bed.


God dammit Alaina! I can control you! Why didn’t you go to the bathroom?!?

Alaina: “Because you didn’t tell me to?”

ARRGH. -1.  I’m a failure.


And apparently I couldn’t be bothered to buy anyone a cake either.


He rolled ambitious.

Bill: “Here I am, ready to take on the legacy.”

Not so fast buddy.  Your sister may be too busy watching tv to do anything interesting, but that doesn’t mean you’ve won anything yet!


Bill: “Pleeease.”

Oh geez louise, it’s not up to me!

That’s right folks! It’s up to YOU to decide who the new heir of the Tobias Legacy will be! Will it be-


Rietta: Kleptomaniac, absent-minded, couch potato, loner.

Rietta likes to watch tv all by herself, and occasionally steal things from school. The coolest thing about her is that she has the rainbow skin tone.



Bill: Evil, ambitous, loves the heat, perceptive.

Bill enjoys karaoke, being creepy, and pretending not to be evil.  Even though we all know he’s planning something.

So there it is, generation one is coming to an end.  Please vote in the comments! You can vote until the 25th, cause I’m definitely gonna get the new expansion pack, and I’m movin’ these fools to a boat! Better hope the new heir/heiress doesn’t roll hydrophobic!



Births: +2

Bladder Failure: -2

Pass Out: -1

Total Points: -3 

The new generation better get ready to give me some points!


Chapter 6: I Believe in Bananas

11 Jun

Welcome back! The previous post Bill grew up evil, the house was updated, Javed got off the couch, Alaina worked a lot, and you got to see Rietta’s face! Wow, what an exciting update.

We’ll start off this update with Javed continuing to be useless.


Ugh. Bladder failure, then after this picture was taken, he passed out in his own puddle of pee. -2. ARGH. Javed, if I could control you, I would make you to fix a dishwasher with no handiness skills in a puddle of water, so you could get electrocuted.  AND GET OUT OF THIS LEGACY.  You’re lucky Alaina still likes you.

Last post Alaina didn’t get much screen time, cause all she does is work.  And despite the fact that she has the natural born performer trait, she sucks at being an acrobat.  She couldn’t fire up a torch without lighting her butt on fire to save her life.

So, to put a little spring in her step, I made her a new outfit for performing!



Starship Banana Stand: “What up Starlight Shores? Get ready to see the the greatest performance by a banana you’ve ever seen!”

Oh dear.  She actually thinks she’s a banana.


But really, can you blame her? This was as close to a banana as I could get with CAS, and I think it is glorious.  And so does Alaina.  She has no fear in that banana suit.


And obviously, the crowd loved it! She now has a steady gig at Rodeo-Go-Go.  Can’t think of a better place for her Starship Banana themed show:


Please notice how well the cannons fit in with the rest of the stage decorations.

When Alaina isn’t working she has started going around the house naked. All the time.



Alaina: “Bye Bill! Have a nice day at school!”



It never stops.  Well that’s enough of Alaina being naked, on to Rietta’s birthday!


Make a wish!

Rietta: “I wish my mom would start wearing clothes around the house.”

Good call.


Uh, lookin a little preggo there Rietta.  To the dresser!


And she rolled absent minded.  That is probably the worst trait for an ISBI.  Sims are bad enough at taking care of themselves (JAVED.) without forgetting what they’re doing half the time. Sigh.  I’m already in the negatives….

Bladder Failure: -2


Passed Out: -1

Births: +2

Total Points: -2

Chapter 5: Couch Lovers

10 Jun

Last time in the Tobias household, Alaina was obsessed with baby Bill, Javed was lazy, Bill was given lots of love and affection, and Rietta was ignored 😦  After rereading the last post to figure out what the heck I was gonna write about, I realized that I never let everyone know Rietta’s new trait- KLEPTO!!! It must run in the family.  Here is our newly aged up thief.



Rietta: “Seriously.  Are we going through this again? LET THEM SEE MY FACE.”

Yeesh. Am I detecting a hidden hot-headed trait?

Rietta: “Don’t push me.”



HAHAHA. I don’t think I have any pictures of Rietta’s face until she’s aging up to a teen.  Obviously I was not impressed with her face.

This, by the way, is all Rietta does with her free time.  Watch tv.  The couch potato trait is strong with this one.  She probably gets her laziness from her father, who still spends most of his day reading in various comfy spots.





At least he has started going to work.

Alaina has continued to roll more wants for Bill than anything else, and even manages to teach him how to talk.  Toddler skilling is something I only do if someone rolls a want for it, cause it takes so stinkin long.

After being cute for three days, it’s time for Bill to age up!



Please ignore all the dirty plates and Alaina’s horrible acrobat outfit.




And he aged up… Evil! Exciting traits this update! I wonder how Alaina will be react to her precious baby Bill becoming evil?



Maybe it should have been more obvious.

Bill immediately does many evil, horrible things.



Like doing the dishes.



Going to bed without a bedtime story.



Doing his homework.



And being nice to his sister. Seriously. Not one evil cackle. Hmmm.  He’s obviously planning something.  

You may have noticed, or not, that there has been some new additions to the house! I totally forgot that Alaina and Javed received some wedding presents a long long time ago.  They got a few pretty expensive presents though, so I kept the most expensive one, cause selling all of them felt like cheating.



A bucking bronco! And looky there! Javed is doing something other than read!  Thank the good green plumbob.

So after the wedding present money, and the money that Alaina has been making performing her booty off-



Alaina: “Yep, still here, still wearing underwear in front of a crowd of people.  Luckily I have no shame.” (Yes, she is still walking around the house naked, just now it is all the time. Still funny.)

I was able to expand their trailer!



Well, I actually just made a little box inside the house for the kids room, and put all the living room stuff onto their new patio!  You can kinda see the outhouse I made them in the backyard.  I didn’t actually change the house size at all.  

But now they have a kitchen!



And surprise! There’s Rietta’s face!

Total Points: 0!


Chapter 4: Where’s Rietta?

3 Jun

It’s time for another Tobias Legacy post! During the last post the repo-man came, Alaina and Javed got married, Alaina stole patio furniture, and Rietta was born with yellow skin.



After instantly aging Rietta up, Alaina and Tobias start working on baby #2.



She’s a little funny looking, but still cute.

After getting impregnated for the second time, Alaina sets out to get some gigs.  There is no after-pregnancy leave for the acrobat career, and it’s a good thing too cause the Tobiases are super broke, especially since Javed still hasn’t gone to work.

Alaina was able to perform a gig before she popped, but unfortunately had a little trouble getting back into the swing of things.




The next day was Snowflake Day, and even though Javed still has not attended a single day of work, he gets a holiday bonus of $844.  Well I guess I can’t complain about him not going to work anymore, since that bonus is more than he would have made in the three days he skipped.

For the rest of Alaina’s pregnancy nothing happened, or nothing memorable since I can’t find the pictures anywhere… but I did write down that Alaina rolled absolutely no wants for Rietta.  It was like she didn’t even exist.  Poor baby banana.  

After the black hole of pictures that was Alaina’s pregnancy, Bill was born! I was too lazy to find a famous male acrobat to name him after, so I named him after Bill Clinton, since Javed is in the politician career track. 



Heeheehee. Alaina’s wonky rainbow skin tone strikes again! Who knew it could be so surprising?  Bill is perceptive and loves the heat.  After being born and aged up Alaina hasn’t stopped rolling wants for him.  





The only picture I have of Alaina holding Rietta, or anyone holding Rietta for that matter, is on her cake day.



Alaina: “Well, I guess holding her isn’t too bad.”

Well it’s too late now!



Rietta: “Really? There’s two pictures of me in this update, and one has a car in my face?”

There’ll be more next time. Probably.

Bladder Failure: -1

Repo-Man: -1

Births: +2

Total Points: 0!